
What We Do & And What We Don't

  • We offer email address verification service
  • We do verify lists of email addresses in files
  • We have real-time verification API
  • We do not bill Unknown and Accept All statuses
  • We constantly improving our algorithms

Verification Result Status

Verification status of an email can possibly be either Valid, Invalid, Accept All or Unknown.

  • Valid - Means email address has been accepted by the mail server, safe to send.
  • Invalid - Email address was rejected by mail server, do not send.
  • Accept All - Mail server is configured to accept every email address and we were not able to validate existence of the address, not recommended to send.
  • Unknown - We were not able to validate existence of the email address, not recommended to send.

Associated Status Reasons

Additionally, we provide a reason why an email address has a specific status.

  • Accepted Email - Email address has been accepted by the mail server.
  • Rejected Email - Email address has been rejected by the mail server.
  • Invalid Syntax - Syntax of the email address is invalid according to RFC.
  • Invalid Domain - Domain name of the email address does not exist.
  • No MX Record - MX record for the domain does not exist.
  • Invalid MX Record - MX record of the domain is invalid.
  • DNS Error - Error occurred while performing DNS resolving of the domain.
  • SMTP Error - Error occurred while performing SMTP validation.

Additional Information

Moreover, verification result includes several parameters which help you decide to send or not.

  • Role - Is address role based (e.g. abuse, admin, no-reply etc.).
  • Disposable - Is address belongs to a disposable email service.
  • Public - Is address belongs to a publicly accessible email provider.
  • User - The part before at-sign.
  • Domain - The part after at-sign.
  • Email - Normalized email address.

Yahoo & AOL email verification

Currently we support validating Yahoo and AOL email addresses along with providing special status reason email_exists which doesn't always guarantee deliverability cause the inbox can be disabled or full.